Our professional services group creates a platform for scalable and sustainable growth.
Gateley’s experienced management team has delivered an unbroken track record of revenue and profit growth through multiple economic cycles:
9.4% compound annual growth in adjusted profit before tax since IPO
18.6% revenue growth in FY23 with net assets of £78.1m.
The market in UK legal services provides a strong foundation on which to base a strategy for growing a wider professional services group, further increasing the Group’s resilience.
Gateley’s strategic position creates strong organic growth opportunities and a platform upon which it can diversify through acquisition.
Gateley has a strong balance sheet, with net cash and committed acquisition finance facilities placing it in an excellent position to invest for further growth.
Gateley has established and resilient revenue streams with a high conversion of profit into cash:
103.9% adjusted cash conversion since IPO, where cash conversion is net cash flows from adjusted operating activities as a percentage of adjusted profit for the year after tax.
Gateley provides an attractive income stream with 70% of adjusted post-tax profits earmarked for dividends. Since IPO in 2015 (at 95p) it has returned 52p to shareholders.
Gateley has significant internal share ownership and a strong people culture with purpose-led responsible business objectives.